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Old 09-11-2007, 08:58 AM   #1
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Post Democrat Or Republician - Depends On Your Brain!

The study, conducted at New York University, suggested that while conservatives are known to be more structured and persistent when making decisions, liberals are more open to new experiences. Researchers have traced these stereotypes to differences in brain activity.

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Old 09-11-2007, 10:16 AM   #2
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Basically the same conclusions drawn by John Dean in his Conservatives Without Conscious only more scientific than sociological. There are no absolutes. Only points of view. One can draw conclusions but when one climbs atop a soapbox to expound them one will quite often end up covered in tomato paste. My dear conservative friends here and I discussing political science would be like two yaks butting heads. At the end of the discourse there would be no resolution. only a gnawin' in the gut and a poundin' in the head. At the very heart of this, on it's most simplistic level it is that some see only black and white and others see only shades of gray. That, to me anyway, is what makes humanity so compelling and interesting. There have been numerous examples of societies goosestepping down grand avenues, expounding the virtues of "the great leader". Give me borderline anarchy anytime.
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Old 09-11-2007, 03:02 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by sbl_admin View Post
The study, conducted at New York University, suggested that while conservatives are known to be more structured and persistent when making decisions, liberals are more open to new experiences. Researchers have traced these stereotypes to differences in brain activity.
This was an awfully simplistic study.
The author of the article stated that "liberal are more open to new experiences." Here is something to think about: If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for something. I'll take "structured and persistent when making decisions" any day.

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Old 09-11-2007, 03:35 PM   #4
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Like a old hunting dog. Liberals are anybodies dog to hunt with that wants to hunt. Yes they are open for anything and everything. Socialism, communism and government hand outs along with abortion and tax productive people and give it to the dead beats. Odd how other countries want democRATS in office
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
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Old 09-11-2007, 03:54 PM   #5
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Consider the study outside of the political mind set. The broader perspective and why two similar persons can draw completely different and conflicting conclusions from the same example. I have thought for sometime that there must be more than mere social conditioning that dictates thought processes. It is an amazing field of research.
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Old 09-11-2007, 04:03 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by salguodgrubmab View Post
Consider the study outside of the political mind set. The broader perspective and why two similar persons can draw completely different and conflicting conclusions from the same example. I have thought for sometime that there must be more than mere social conditioning that dictates thought processes. It is an amazing field of research.
It's for this very reason, I let the wife pick out the colors and the furniture etc etc.. cause we'd never come to an agreement on anything.
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Old 09-11-2007, 04:21 PM   #7
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heck yeah. I don't even pick out my own clothes. I am occasionally asked for my worthless, insignificant and utterly inconsequential, opinion from time to time but experience has conditioned me to understand that it is only cliche' and the last thing she wants is actual input from me.
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Old 09-11-2007, 05:27 PM   #8
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I think genetics plays a very large role in who we are. Type A people are born that way. I have two of three that are type A and one B and they have been like that from day one. You people all know that if you have children. Type A being head strong and B would be the good cop or peace keeper. Bleeding hearts tend to be liberal democRats. They are the swing vote because hard left will always be hard left and the same goes for the right. The swing vote is running this country and it makes us look weak to the world. American needs to get some brass horns and take it to Iran. No ground war just electric and water grids will be enough to bring them down. Hell they are going to bring it to us and we do not hit them first and hit them hard. Time for a little ass here long over due. Isaacs rant for the day.
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
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Old 09-11-2007, 07:49 PM   #9
Al Swearengen
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Ok heres my .02...I agree that we need to be on a war footing, but lets just come right out and tell it like it is without apology, and political correctness be damned. We need to be at war with radical Islam. Period! They're a dangerous scourge that needs to be obliterated for any of us, even Muslims, to truly be safe. And we need to keep goin after em till theyre all gone.

Now, as to the question of Democrat Vs. Republican. Lets just narrow it down even further and say Liberal Vs Conservative. All, or at least most, children are naturally liberal (communists, socialists, whatever) because children have a keen sense of fairness. We encourage this when they're young because it makes them more managable, ie "play nice", "wait your turn" and what have ya. But as they grow, they soon discover that nothin about life, or the world, is fair. They then adjust their beliefs and values accordingly...unless of course their parents, teachers, or guardians are themselves "stuck" in the childish liberal stage, thus perpetuatin the erroneous mindset and raisin up a new generation of bleedin hearts.

But these days, theres not much difference between the two big parties. Sure, there are some philosophical differences, but both parties have become so bloated, corrupt, and incompetent that neither even remotely resembles what it once was. Neither party has the country's best interest at heart anymore. If the Dems are runnin things, it sucks. If the Reps are runnin things, it blows. See how that works? What we need, what the country needs, is to be headed by an independant candidate who aint beholden to partisan politics or special interests. A candidate who's every decision is guided by the Constitution and the free market. Hmm...lets see...I wonder if such a candidate exists...could it be...
Molon Labe!

Last edited by Al Swearengen; 09-11-2007 at 08:06 PM.
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Old 09-11-2007, 08:01 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Al Swearengen View Post
Ok heres my .02...I agree that we need to be on a war footing, but lets just come right out and tell it like it is without apology, and political correctness be damned. We need to be at war with radical Islam. Period! They're a dangerous scourge that needs to be obliterated for any of us, even Muslims, to truly be safe. And we need to keep goin after em till theyre all gone.

Now, as to the question of Democrat Vs. Republican. Is there really any difference? Sure, there are some philosophical differences, but both parties have become so bloated, corrupt, and incompetent that neither even remotely resembles what it once was. Neither party has the country's best interest at heart anymore. If the Dems are runnin things, it sucks. If the Reps are runnin things, it blows. See how that works? What we need, what the country needs, is to be headed by an independant candidate who aint beholden to partican politics or special interests. Hmm...lets see...I wonder if such a candidate exists...could it be...
Paul Ron yes I know RP ! Need to see much more of his platform. I disagree with placing the Dems and Rep on the same level.
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
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Old 09-11-2007, 08:10 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon View Post
Paul Ron yes I know RP ! Need to see much more of his platform. I disagree with placing the Dems and Rep on the same level.
Did'nt you see the debate the other night? "We should mind our own buisiness"-"they attacked us because we were in SaudiArabia" -wow....
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Old 11-21-2007, 06:44 AM   #12
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Now Obama is leading the DNC wow that should have a major impact on next falls election
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
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