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Old 06-08-2007, 09:59 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
It's not as complicated as that, I think. My advice is this. If you're about to make a post that you think your comment would offend someone or get your @$$ kicked if you said it in public, you'd probably best rethink it and reword it. A little common sense and some good judgement can go a long way toward spreading the love.
Anime, you absolutely said it best!!!!
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Old 06-09-2007, 06:05 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I know this is a Republic. I am glad you support the Constitution I do not group everyone as socialist but there are many Americans that vote for changes (DNC) that would cause our country to go that way. Brain I do not think you are a socialist and I do agree with some of your post. This is a glass house and you group all Christians in one lump and it is not up to me or you to decide who is a Christian and who is not. Your attacks on Christians has cause others not to post on this board. You can be what ever it is that flips your switch with out the vile attacks on Christianity. Now with that said I will do my best to make post that stick to the subject. I will ask you to do the same with out the personal attacks on people or what they believe. Is that asking to much ? I sure hope not and the choice is all up to you. We all have different views on the same subject based on our personal background so please respect this in the future and I will do the same
Your exact statement was that anyone who supports separation of church and state, also known as the establishment clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, was a Socialist...are you now ADMITTING that you were lying and doing so with full knowledge of your actions? JUST like you did when you called the current Russian government Communist?

As if I don't already know the answer, christian, and yeah, I lump you all together because you all demonstrate a compulsive need to LIE!! and the scary part is I'm not even 100% sure you know you're doing it!!

BTW, in a society where your vote counts just as much as mine, asking me not to attack your beliefs is indeed asking to much....notice the Admin made no such request either.....And for clarification purposes, because this isn't my first go around with you, my above statement IS NOT an attack on christianity, but rather an opinion based on my own personal experience.

Last edited by BrainSmashR; 06-09-2007 at 06:17 AM.
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Old 06-09-2007, 06:23 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by joepole
>more often than not, IGNORING a snake will get you bitten

This is not true in nature and doesn't hold up when applying the analogy to a messageboard.

Ignoring a snake means not altering your course at all, now if you care to provide some data and a link supporting your hypothesis....I'll play the game with you on this one because most of the time when you SEE a snake, he's moving in front of you and if you stop, slow down, alter your course in any way, or even follow it with your eyes, then you have not ignored the snake
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Old 06-09-2007, 12:01 PM   #34
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Calm down Brain. We're all trying to have adult conversations without provocative accusations flying around. Are you really so curious about our personal lives or morals that you'd rather discuss that than anything else?
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Old 06-09-2007, 02:09 PM   #35
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As far as your "sources" goes, notice the doctor doesn't recommend you ignore biting animals, he/she says to keep away from them. Virtually impossible if you were to ignore the animal and continue with your actions which lead to their discovery in the first place.

Now I'm not really sure if your comment is directed towards the conversation I'm NOT having with you were Isaac has admitted that everyone he's stereotyped doesn't necessarily fit into that category, AND he's about to admit that he made those accusations will full knowledge of his actions, or the one I'm actually having with you about snakes were the smilie face should have indicated my mood......

Either way, lying isn't a trait of adult conversation and I don't feel anything I've said about the snakes can be taken negatively by anyone unless they resort to Joe's tactics and take ideas and partial statements out of context for the sole purpose of manipulation.
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Old 06-09-2007, 07:37 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
As far as your "sources" goes, notice the doctor doesn't recommend you ignore biting animals, he/she says to keep away from them. Virtually impossible if you were to ignore the animal and continue with your actions which lead to their discovery in the first place.

ignore |igˈnôr| verb [ trans. ] refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally :

yes, you have to notice something, in order to ignore it..
To ignore a snake, might mean, if you see a snake slithers into a pile of leaves, I'll ignore it by not jumping into the leaves as I intended.
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Old 06-09-2007, 09:40 PM   #37
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a total waste of time posting to a social retard
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Old 06-09-2007, 09:45 PM   #38
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Well Isaac, I see that you are calling a spade a spade today!!!
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Old 06-09-2007, 09:49 PM   #39
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Why thank you Mrs. Texasbelle. I have seen the light and spades are still spades and we can ALL see that plain as day
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
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Old 06-10-2007, 09:14 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by LateNight

ignore |igˈnôr| verb [ trans. ] refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally :

yes, you have to notice something, in order to ignore it..
To ignore a snake, might mean, if you see a snake slithers into a pile of leaves, I'll ignore it by not jumping into the leaves as I intended.

That's called incorrect usage of a term and specifically why educated individuals like myself and THE DOCTOR didn't use the term "ignore". Again, why shouldn't I question the intelligence level of those applauding your comments?

What you have done is not bother the snake.

Main Entry: 1both·er
Pronunciation: 'bä-[th]&r
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): both·ered; both·er·ing /'bä[th]-ri[ng], 'bä-[th]&-/
Etymology: origin unknown
transitive verb
1 : to annoy especially by petty provocation : IRK
2 : to intrude upon : PESTER

3 : to cause to be somewhat anxious or concerned <my stomach is bothering me> -- often used interjectionally

Intelligent people don't ignore biting animals, but they don't bother them either, and I'm betting not one of you can recall a time where you advised anyone to ignore a snake rather than alerting them to the exact location of said animal.

It's not as simple as having to notice it in order to ignore it....this is an animal that we, as well as most other creatures on the planet, are instinctively wary of, and you would have to put forth and extremely fool hardy effort to ignore any snake. Even in your example, one assumes in order to have a pile of leaves that you are raking the yard. Are you going to pick up the pile of leaves without first checking for the snake or will you truly ignore the animal and the potential danger it presents?
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Old 06-10-2007, 01:39 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
1 : to annoy especially by petty provocation : IRK
It's funny you should bring that up. Anywho, who really cares if we're using proper syntax or proper usage of terminology? We're all southerners here, not liguistic scholars. However, this also doesn't mean our education should be called into question. Besides, we're casually chatting on a forum here, not writing books.
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Old 06-10-2007, 01:44 PM   #42
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Touche' Anime
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Old 06-10-2007, 01:53 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
It's funny you should bring that up. Anywho, who really cares if we're using proper syntax or proper usage of terminology? We're all southerners here, not liguistic scholars. However, this also doesn't mean our education should be called into question. Besides, we're casually chatting on a forum here, not writing books.
1. I think it's obvious that I CARE. Let's try exercising that intelligence I know you have, Anime, instead of jumping on the stupidity bandwagon (according to Isabelle, this is a compliment and you should be proud).

2. One doesn't have to be a scholar to appreciate someone NOT butchering the English language. Furthermore, you may talk in slang, but you certainly were not taught to write that way which gives me EVERY reason to call someone's education into question at that point.

3. Did you ever think that bragging about your southern dialect instead of trying to correct it might be part of the reason why the rest of the country laughs at the perceived intelligence of the average southerner?...but hopefully you at least spit the dip out of your mouth before speaking.
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Old 06-10-2007, 02:00 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
1. I think it's obvious that I CARE.

2. One doesn't have to be a scholar to appreciate someone NOT butchering the English language. Furthermore, you may talk in slang, but you certainly were not taught to write that way.

3. Did you ever think that bragging about your southern dialect might be part of the reason why the rest of the country laughs at the educational systems of the south?
Who cares if the rest of the country laughs at us folks in the south? I have went to other states and people have told me they love listening to my southern twang. So I look at it as I'M pround to be from the SOUTH. If anyone doesn't like our southern dialect then they can feel free to move north.
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.-- Bill Cosby
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Old 06-10-2007, 02:01 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
1. I think it's obvious that I CARE.

2. One doesn't have to be a scholar to appreciate someone NOT butchering the English language. Furthermore, you may talk in slang, but you certainly were not taught to write that way.

3. Did you ever think that bragging about your southern dialect might be part of the reason why the rest of the country laughs at the educational systems of the south?
We're hardly butchering English here, Brain, if you can at least comprehend what we're saying. I assume the average person takes English Comprehension in high school.

As for the rest of the country, who cares what they think? Part of having self-esteem is knowing your own worth despite what others think. This applies to your vocabulary as well. I know I'm smart and no one, not even you, will convince me otherwise. I'd like to think this as an example to others who don't feel as confident as I do.
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