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Old 04-27-2007, 05:40 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Satabot he is a dick hole to everyone so don't feel special You already have more schooling than he will ever have. Some times you might like to pity such a wretch but don't do it he will bite you every time. Just skip over his post and he will crawl back into his hole until someone will talk to him I think the net is his only friend he calls his Christian family scum What a bumble brain
I understand, and I somewhat agree, but even when people disagree and I act like that, why would you ever try to really disown somebody? I can sympathize because I actually act the same way when I get hyped up and prey on people to kindof bash, I'm guilty of that. But even religion can't teach you true compassion or sympathy in a lot of cases, because it tells you to be intolerant and separative from those who disagree, which I don't think is what is meant to be done.
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Old 04-28-2007, 05:23 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Santabot
I have visited the site, but I did not come to it on my own action, I mentioned I found the link posted for it on a multimedia website that I view daily.
So you found an unidentified and unlabeled link and clicked on it and just wound up on FHM Online without any preconceived notion of where you were going OR what the material consisted of that you would be viewing.

Exactly how stupid do you think I am?
Why are you such an open dickhole to me, as if I ever implied I was an expert on anything?
You're a 17 year old punk.
You do drugs
you steal music (what else?)
you openly criticize the government
You've expressed a desire to leave the country when you are old enough (you're fatal mistake with me).
and judging from the above paragraph, you're a liar and apparently think I'm stupid.

Shall I continue? We can't talk about the implications you've made about the President or how you were "affected" by the Stelly Plan.
The fact that I am 17 should give you enough reassurance to know that I'm not a ****ing expert, and you can just continue to go about your normal, or less than such, life without having to correct me, I don't really read it or listen to it, because you don't even make sense yourself, if I'm no expert, nor are you.
I never claimed to be an expert in any field, but that certainly doesn't mean I shouldn't judge you based on your own actions listed above...

They're christians and claim to accept people for who they are.....not me. Now that certainly doesn't mean I don't like you , kid, but review that list I made for you again and ask yourself if you really deserve preferential treatment. 17 is legal in Louisiana, you can be held responsible for your actions now.

Last edited by BrainSmashR; 04-28-2007 at 05:41 AM.
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:28 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
So you found an unidentified and unlabeled link and clicked on it and just wound up on FHM Online without any preconceived notion of where you were going OR what the material consisted of that you would be viewing.

Exactly how stupid do you think I am?

You're a 17 year old punk.
You do drugs
you steal music (what else?)
you openly criticize the government
You've expressed a desire to leave the country when you are old enough (you're fatal mistake with me).
and judging from the above paragraph, you're a liar and apparently think I'm stupid.

Shall I continue? We can't talk about the implications you've made about the President or how you were "affected" by the Stelly Plan.

I never claimed to be an expert in any field, but that certainly doesn't mean I shouldn't judge you based on your own actions listed above...

They're Christians and claim to accept people for who they are.....not me. Now that certainly doesn't mean I don't like you , kid, but review that list I made for you again and ask yourself if you really deserve preferential treatment. 17 is legal in Louisiana, you can be held responsible for your actions now.
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Last edited by Isaac-Saxxon; 04-28-2007 at 09:42 AM.
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Old 04-28-2007, 09:04 AM   #19
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[quote=BrainSmashR]So you found an unidentified and unlabeled link and clicked on it and just wound up on FHM Online without any preconceived notion of where you were going OR what the material consisted of that you would be viewing.

Exactly how stupid do you think I am?

You're a 17 year old punk.
You do drugs
you steal music (what else?)
you openly criticize the government
You've expressed a desire to leave the country when you are old enough (you're fatal mistake with me).
and judging from the above paragraph, you're a liar and apparently think I'm stupid.


Brain you are quite known for being vocal with your opinions and telling it like you see it. I think you just got it right in this instance, but I don't think he cares at all.
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Old 04-29-2007, 01:36 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Anime will you bring your 40 pound sword to practice kendo with her
Not a chance! I'd get my @$$ handed to me because I can't maneuver it near as Uma can maneuver a katana.
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Old 04-29-2007, 10:52 AM   #21
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Actually, most curse words are already censored, so language isn't really a problem.
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Old 04-29-2007, 10:54 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
Actually, most curse words are already censored, so language isn't really a problem.

but it seems that the one he used isn't censored but should be?
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Old 04-29-2007, 11:17 AM   #23
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Ah, I see it. That's an uncommon one that I'm sure wouldn't be in the system. I'll let admin know about it. The system isn't perfect. I can curse in Japanese and I bet the system wouldn't see it.
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Old 04-29-2007, 10:21 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by nice person
Mr Santabot this is a "family" website you must becareful of your language. No wait community website still we are all over 18 here but you will be told something for it
If this is a family website then you need to change your avatar mister.
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Old 04-29-2007, 11:37 PM   #25
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Old 04-29-2007, 11:48 PM   #26
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He certainly does!
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Old 04-30-2007, 12:09 AM   #27
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LOL, I'll throw my .02 in and say.. yeah, please change it LOL
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Old 04-30-2007, 12:20 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by LateNight
LOL, I'll throw my .02 in and say.. yeah, please change it LOL
who is that anyway?
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Old 04-30-2007, 01:05 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Santabot
who is that anyway?
Judging by his join date, I'd say LateNight is a founding member.
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Old 04-30-2007, 01:09 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
Judging by his join date, I'd say LateNight is a founding member.
I was talking about the new guy's avatar..

I know who LateNight is.
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